37th Vilnius Jazz Festival. 16-20 October, 2024

I’m Out


Klaudija Indriliūnaitė - g

Mėta Gabrielė Pelegrimaitė – fl, b

Ignas Kasikauskas - dr

The group formed specially for this competition, but its members have collaborated in the past and also appeared in other projects. All three musicians study at the LAMT, and share professional enthusiasm and love for improvised music.

The Trio will perform collective composition Shaggsstyle groove at the finals.

Klaudija Indriliūnaitė studied guitar in Saulius Sondeckis Gymnasium of Arts in Šiauliai, later earned Bachelor in Jazz from the Vytautas Magnus University Music Academy. Currently, she studies contemporary and improvised music at the LAMT, takes part in various master courses.

The guitarist has collaborated with such masters of improvised music as Juozas Milašius and Arnas Mikalkėnas, took part in the LAMT students’ improvised music collective formed by Mats Gustafsson. She has appeared in Jauna muzika, Night of Culture, Night of Museums and Master of Calms festivals.

Mėta Gabrielė Pelegrimaitė is in the last year of her Master program at the LAMT where she studies contemporary music and improvisation. In addition, she takes part in master courses in Lithuania and abroad.

She has been active on improvised music scene and jazz festivals: with “One Two Free” she appeared in Art Biennale and TEMAFest in Šiluva, with “Two Free” – at the Improdimensija series. Recently she took part in Sacrum Profanum festival; has appeared in Saulkrasti Jazz festival in Latvia as well as Vilnius Jazz.

The musician has teamed up with many notable representatives of various genres including Dalius Naujokaitis, Arnas Mikalkėnas, Kazimieras Jušinskas, Artūras Bumšteinas, Anton Lukoszevieze and Gailė Griciūtė.

Even though Ignas Kasikauskas started drumming only in his teens, he felt that this is his calling right away. He studied the drums at the Vilnius Conservatoire and also the LAMT. In addition, the drummer has taken part in master courses in Italy, Denmark and Finland.

Ignas is at home in a wide range of music – from pop- to free jazz. He has collaborated with many a renowned jazz performer including Arkady Gotesman, Eugenijus Kanevičius, Tomas Razmus and Arnas Mikalkėnas. He has appeared in Vilnius Mama Jazz, Kaunas Jazz, Peronas Jazz, Saulkrasti Jazz Festival and Roma Summer Jazz Festival, toured in Italy, Germany, Slovakia, Austria, Russia and other countries.

In 2017, as a member of “Džiazlaif” the drummer won Grand Prix of the VJYP competition, and this year will seek the award with two groups – “I’m Out” and “Kanalizacija”.  

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